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November Meeting Minutes

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President: Bill Turnbull
Vice President: Dennis Martens
Secretary: Christie Carroll
Treasurer: Anne Turnbull
Public Relations: Tamara Sykes

$445.99 net profit from Steel Magnolias
$160 donated to Edgren Video Arts Dept (from Steel Magnolias)
$300 donated to Edgren Drama and Music Depts. (from Arsenic and Old Lace)
$1181.98 current account balance

A Partridge in a Pear Tree performances on 12, 13 December at Sollars Elementary School Auditorium (Time not yet determined). The show is one part of the Chapel’s Christmas program. In addition to the Guild one-act, Crosspoint Youth Choir and the Chapel Cantata Choir will perform. All Guild members should support the show!!

a. We would like to develop a repertoire of short skits and one-acts that can be performed at various base functions such as coffee group meetings, and parties. These mini-shows would serve several purposes:

  1. another way to promote Guild activities and major productions
  2. provide acting experience to members who are not ready for a full show
  3. provide an outlet for members whose work schedules make it difficult too commit to a full show.
  4. They would be fun!

The skits could be also be performed at the Guild monthly meetings as a kind of dress rehearsal. Tamara is taking names of persons who want to work on a skit. A meeting will be set up later for everyone who is interested. Contact Tamara at 222-7770 or tsykes@hotmail.com.

b. In an effort to do more for Guild members, we will be working on additional activities for the monthly meetings, such as audition workshops and acting workshops. Anyone interested in coordinating a workshop should contact Tamara.

a. Next Guild production will be The Odd Couple. Auditions will be in early January with production dates in early April. Hopefully, we will get enough men to audition (5 needed, plus 2 women). If not enough men show up, we can do the female version (5 women, 2 men). Bill will be the director.
b. Everyone should go to one of the High School’s performances of It’s a Wonderful Life on 10 and 11 December at the Mokuteki ballroom. Several of our Guild members are part of the cast, plus it will be a great show.
c. The Board met recently to plan the 1999-2000 production calendar. Shows will be performed in early April, mid-July and early November. Besides -The Odd Couple in April, we are looking into a children’s show, a murder mystery, Dracula, and several comedies. We still need a music director in order to do a musical.
d. We are trying to use email as much as possible to communicate with the Guild membership. It is faster and cuts down on our costs for paper and printing. Lots of information and photos can be found at the Guild website: https://members.tripod.com/~misawatg.

a. The revised Theatre Guild Constitution was approved by the members present. The new version is the first update since 1995 and incorporates all the legalese required by 35 SVS, plus better defines general member vs. voting member. Voting member status is granted after participating in one full production as a cast or production crew member. b. " Fair Winds and Following Seas" was bid to member Tracy Cartwright, who is PCSing. Tracy recently played "Ouiser" in Steel Magnolias. She’ll be "stylin’ " somewhere in Pennsylvania. c. Next meeting will be January 16, 2000, 6:00 PM, place to be announced.

SUBMITTED BY: Bill Turnbull